Advertise on Hiking with Shawn

Welcome to the Advertise on Hiking with Shawn page. Continue reading to learn more about advertising opportunities on Hiking with Shawn. We offer various advertising and sponsorship opportunities from blogs, videos, social media, newsletters, and more. I appreciate your interest to advertise on Hiking with Shawn.


Hiking with Shawn Stats

Below are some of the latest statistics for Hiking with Shawn and its products.


Website Statistics

I post a new article three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

  • 110K page views (annually)
  • 75K visitors (annually)
  • 60K new visitors (annually)


Social Statistics

I post daily on each social network, 7 days a week.

  • 220K views (annually) on YouTube
  • 11K followers on Facebook
  • 15K people reached a month on Instagram


Newsletter Statistics

I send out one newsletter each month.

  • 54% open rate (monthly)
  • 8.5% click rate (monthly)
  • 1,160+ subscribers


Pricing to Advertise on Hiking with Shawn

Below are my current advertising rates for advertising on Hiking with Shawn products. All payments are to be made with only.


Website and Newsletter

  • Sponsored Blog Post – $100 each
  • Banner Ad (homepage) – $150 each, monthly
  • Banner Ad (blog post) – $100 each
  • Newsletter Ad (text only) – $50 each
  • Newsletter Ad (text with image) – $75 each
  • Review Post with a product you send me – FREE (*See terms below)

Local Southern Illinois partners will receive a 30% discount on the above prices. Hiking with Shawn is a local business that supports local businesses.

* If you send me a product to try and create a review, I provide this service for free. However, keep in mind that I give honest reviews. I do not accept product review partnerships where you tell me what to say. Do not send me your product without contacting me and us making a deal. If you send me products without contacting me beforehand, I will not be guaranteed to review the product.


YouTube and Social Media

  • Sponsored Video – $150 each
  • Review Video with a product you send me – FREE (*See terms below)
  • Social Media Post (YouTube Community Tab, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok) – $100 each

Local Southern Illinois partners will receive a 30% discount on the above prices. Hiking with Shawn is a local business that supports local businesses.

* If you send me a product to try and create a review, I provide this service for free. However, keep in mind that I give honest reviews. I do not accept product review partnerships where you tell me what to say. Do not send me your product without contacting me and us making a deal. If you send me products without contacting me beforehand, I will not be guaranteed to review the product.


Advertising and Sponsorship Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to all partners who advertise on Hiking with Shawn.

  1. We are very selective about whom we do business with. If you’re trying to get a quick link, chances are you will not be accepted as a partner of Hiking with Shawn.
  2. All links are set to “No Follow.” Hiking with Shawn is not for gaining backlinks. There are no exceptions to this policy.
  3. All sponsored content is labeled as “Sponsored Content.” We will not replace the word “Sponsored” with another word. This is an FTC requirement.
  4. We only accept partnerships from brands and businesses with products and services related to the hiking, biking, camping, and outdoor recreation niche or industry. The only exception is businesses and services provided for Southern Illinois since our brand focuses on the Southern Illinois region.
  5. I will not write your sponsored post unless I review your product.
  6. Your sponsored post must be original content and written by humans (not AI tools). If the content is generic, I will not accept it. I am an expert in copywriting, marketing, SEO, and storytelling. I am picky about the type of content that gets posted on my platforms.
  7. All pricing is final and must be paid before the sponsored content is created through There are no refunds. There are no rainchecks.
  8. I limit sponsored content to my blog and newsletter. If my limit is met, your request may be put on a waiting list.


Guest Posting on Hiking with Shawn (FREE)

I do accept guest blog posts from time to time on my blog and newsletter. This is a free service. Please see the terms below for more information if you want to submit a guest blog post for the blog or newsletter.

  1. The post may not be commercial in any way. You are allowed one link (no follow) on your bio paragraph at the end of your article. The link may be to a business but not a product or commercial. Your bio must be about you and not written with commercial intent.
  2. Content must only be about hiking, biking, camping, or outdoor recreation. The only exception is that the content may be about Southern Illinois, even if unrelated to the outdoors, since Hiking with Shawn serves content focusing on the Southern Illinois region.
  3. Content must be written with proper spelling and grammar. Content must be original and not posted anywhere else. Content must be written by a human and not an AI tool. I’m picky about the content posted on my websites and newsletter. I will not write the content for you, but I may edit it.
  4. If your article is beyond my expectations, I may ask you to become a regular contributor to my blog and newsletter. It’s a great way to develop your expertise and become more known in your industry and community.


Before Contacting Me to Request Advertising/Sponsorship

If you contact me to request advertising or sponsorship, I will send you to this page. If you reply and try to get me to change the terms, I’ll assume you’re a spammer, add your email address to my junk mail and never reply to you again. I get about 10 to 25 sponsorship requests a week. I typically answer one. I don’t like spammy emails and will not give you a chance if you send them. If you want to work with me, then impress me.


To contact me for advertising and sponsorship opportunities, email the email address pictured below. I put it in an image to prevent spam.

Advertise on Hiking with Shawn

Copyright © 2022 Hiking with Shawn™ All Rights Are Reserved.

Hiking with Shawn® is a Registered Trademark of Hiking with Shawn, LLC

Hiking with Shawn is not affiliate with any local, state, or federal government agency.

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