Hiking with Shawn News:
Guest Writers
Howdy from Hiking with Shawn! I’m writing this special blog post today to announce some new features on the Hiking with Shawn website and blog. In this post, we are going to focus on advertising on this website and the benefits of doing so. We will also be discussing me opening up my blog for guest writers as well which can also bring you amazing benefits. So please, keep reading along and I hope to hear from those of you who are interested in these new benefits, very soon.
Advertising Now Available at Hiking with Shawn
I now sell advertising on the Hiking with Shawn website and blog. My advertising rates are very affordable and fair. You can see my rates as well as my terms on my Advertising Info page (it is a PDF document). Now why would you want to advertise on Hiking with Shawn? If you have a business related to hiking, cycling, or the outdoors – you might want to advertise on my site and blog because that is the market I cater to. However, I also cater to local businesses and communities as well. So, if you have a local shop, restaurant, bakery, organization, or venue – that is another good reason to advertise on Hiking with Shawn as well. To be as transparent as I can be, I am definitely looking to monetize this blog through advertising, but I also want to make sure I am helping get traffic and consumers to those who I am advertising.
Guest Writers and even Regular Writers Wanted
Hiking with Shawn is a blog not just about hiking and outdoor recreation in the Shawnee National Forest, it’s an overall blog focusing on hiking and outdoor recreation as a whole no matter where someone might be. I am seeking an opportunity to make the Hiking with Shawn blog a better experience for the outdoor recreation seekers of the world. With that being said, I’m opening up my blog to Guest Writers and even regular writers. Whether you’d like to blog about local hiking, cycling, climbing, or other outdoor activities in the Shawnee or you want to give hiking tips to a worldwide community as a whole, I am looking for you! And as I start to monetize the blog, I’ll be looking at ways to share the revenue with those who are most active in writing. At this time, I publish about one post a week, I’m looking to getting it up to about 3-posts a week.
But what are the benefits of guest writing or becoming a regular writer of Hiking with Shawn? The benefits are vast. If you want to build your reputation up as an outdoor writer, you have me on your side. I’m a 25-year experienced digital marketing strategist. I have a vast knowledge in search engine optimization, social media marketing, advertising techniques, and local brand marketing. I have social media pages with thousands of followers that I will promote your content on. If you write about local Southern Illinois outdoor content for example, I have a group of nearly 20,000 local people that will see your content under the name of Hiking with Shawn. My blog is a great way to help you develop your reputation especially for a local outdoor market.
But I won’t just allow anything! I get a lot of guest writing requests. I get multiple ones on a daily basis. Most of them are asking to submit an article that is full of affiliate links and generic content repurposes in an attempt to gain a backlink. Many of them want to sponsor the content without me putting a sponsored content label on it. All that is good for them, but it would penalize my blog. Again, I’ve been doing this for 25-years. So, if you’re that kind of guest writers, I will immediately reject your request. But if you’re someone who wants to develop their reputation and give people content that is actually worth reading and helpful, then I want you! Just do note for now, I’m not paying out anything because I’m not making any money. But once I start to earn revenue, I will look into a profit-sharing program.
If you want to write for my blog whether just once or on a regular basis, contact me today and let’s talk about it. I’m really excited about opening up my blog for this sort of thing!
And there you have it – that is my Hiking with Shawn News for the day. Thank you for reading this blog and be sure to share it with something who might be interested in becoming a writer on Hiking with Shawn.
Alrighty folks, I hope you have enjoyed this content. I provide it for free and it takes a while to create. If you would be so kind enough to support my efforts, you can do so by sharing this post with others, especially on social media. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to see my latest videos, shorts and live streams. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok for unique content that you will only find on those pages. You might also join my Southern Illinois Hiking & Outdoor Resources Group on Facebook, too!
You can also support me by becoming a Patreon Supporter for as little as $3/month and you can cancel anytime (no contracts or catches). Patreons get access to extra features, exclusive articles, sticker packs, gifts and more. Consider buying official Hiking with Shawn Merchandise as another way to support me. I spend a lot of money on Hiking with Shawn and because of extremely high public land permit fees, I make very little money in return so everything helps.
Thanks again for checking out another one of my articles and until next time, I’ll see you on the trail!

Founder, Hiking with Shawn
Howdy folks! My name is Shawn Gossman and I founded Hiking with Shawn. I’m an avid hiker, cyclist and outdoorsman here in the Shawnee National Forest. I was born and raised in Southern Illinois and never want to leave. I hope you enjoy my website and I encourage you to interact with me!