15 Most Asked Hiking Questions with Honest Answers These are the 15 most asked hiking questions I commonly see. When it comes to hiking, no question is a bad question. Hiking can be rewarding and life-changing as long as you do it right. But if you don’t do it right,...
How to Try Solo Dispersed Wilderness Camping for the First Time Have you ever been solo dispersed wilderness camping? The chance is, if you’re on this article, you haven’t tried it. Or maybe you have, and you’d like more advice to ensure the next time is better....
Banning Pets on Hiking Trails: Agree or Disagree? How do you feel about public lands banning pets on hiking trails? The banning of pets from hiking trails isn’t uncommon. It’s a big practice in National Parks, Nature Preserves, State Parks, and other...
Required Hiking Permits: Should we pay to use popular hiking trails? This article questions and debates the required hiking permits for using popular trails. In most cases, permits for hiking trails will cost money. Some may cost a few dollars, while others could cost...
Top 10 Causes of Death While Hiking and How To Avoid Them There are many causes of death while hiking that you can take practical steps to avoid. For the most part, hiking is generally safe for everyone. But like with any activity, there are dangers present. Some...
Top 5 Most Popular Hiking Destinations in the Shawnee National Forest Are you looking for the most popular hiking destinations in southern Illinois? Well, it just so happens the Shawnee National Forest is down here, and we have quite a few popular spots. I’d have to...