by Hiking With Shawn | Dec 14, 2022 | Hiking Tips
Hiking with Shawn’s 5 Favorite Hiking Trails Everyone is always asking me what my favorite hiking trail are. I really don’t have one favorite. I have a few. So, I figured I might as well create an article about it so that you have some ideas of where you might...
by Hiking With Shawn | Dec 13, 2022 | Hiking Tips
6 Essential Shawnee Forest Beginner Hiking Tips There have been a lot of Shawnee Forest Beginner hiking folks in these last couple of years. The global pandemic, mixed with just wanting to get out and get some fresh air, had a lot to do with it. Many people were stuck...
by Hiking With Shawn | Dec 12, 2022 | Hiking Tips
Shawnee National Forest Bushwhacking Guide Shawnee National Forest bushwhacking sounds like a scary thing to do. Doesn’t it? The truth is that it can be scary for some people. If you’re prone to get lost and panicking, bushwhacking isn’t going to be wise. If you like...
by Hiking With Shawn | Dec 11, 2022 | Hiking Tips
How to Survive after getting Lost in the Woods Getting lost in the woods might be one of the greatest fears of many hikers. It is a reasonable fear because many hikers yearly get lost in the woods. Some hikers don’t make it as they die from the elements, falling, or...
by Hiking With Shawn | Dec 10, 2022 | Hiking Tips
Shawnee National Forest Geocaching Guide Shawnee National Forest geocaching lets you enjoy a hike around the forest while also going on a treasure-hunting adventure. But there is a little more to geocaching than it seems. You want to make sure you’re doing it the...
by Hiking With Shawn | Dec 9, 2022 | Hiking Tips
Shawnee Forest Guided Hiking & Itinerary Services Are you looking for Shawnee Forest Guided Hiking and Itinerary Services by chance? I offer these services if you need them. I’m a permitted hiking guide outfitter for the Shawnee National Forest. I’m also insured,...