by Hiking With Shawn | Nov 12, 2022 | Hiking Tips
How I Find Waterfalls Hiking with Shawn Trail Journal Have you ever wondered how I find waterfalls throughout the Shawnee National Forest? Welcome to another Trail Journal, where in this edition, I discuss my tactics on how I find waterfalls throughout remote areas of...
by Hiking With Shawn | Nov 11, 2022 | Hiking Tips
Snake Road Illinois Hiking with Shawn Trail Journal Have you ever been to Snake Road Illinois? It’s a forest road of a few miles that is closed to vehicle traffic two times a year so that snakes can safely migrate across. Welcome to another edition of the Hiking with...
by Hiking With Shawn | Nov 9, 2022 | Hiking Tips
The Benefits of Hiking Solo There are benefits of hiking solo if you tackle the trail on your own rather than with someone else. Hiking Solo allows you to set your own pace and create your adventure. It allows you the feeling of solitude and lack of noise. It will...
by Hiking With Shawn | Nov 8, 2022 | Hiking Tips
The Benefits of Hiking with Friends Hiking with friends gives you a lot of great benefits, especially if you’re starting as a hiker. Hiking with other people will help you take the focus off exercise and lean more towards fun and adventure. It is also safer to hike...
by Hiking With Shawn | Nov 3, 2022 | Hiking Tips
Shop Southern Illinois Local this Holiday Season The holiday season is upon us, and you can help your neighbors by choosing the shop Southern Illinois local this year. By shopping locally, you can get the best locally made or sold gifts for your friends and family...
by Hiking With Shawn | Oct 27, 2022 | Hiking Tips
5 Spooky Hiking Trails in the Shawnee National Forest Do you want to hike some spooky hiking trails in the Shawnee National Forest? I’ve been all around the Shawnee National Forest. I’ve learned as much local history as possible. Learning local history, I’ve also...