Hiking Solo
There are benefits of hiking solo if you tackle the trail on your own rather than with someone else.
Hiking Solo allows you to set your own pace and create your adventure. It allows you the feeling of solitude and lack of noise. It will enable you to get to know yourself and connect with your emotions.
Hiding solo is an excellent way to relieve my stress when I want to be alone. It’s a perfect way to recharge my emotions and end with a happier outlook on things. And while I’d instead hike with my lover nowadays, I did enjoy solo hikes when I first started enjoying the outdoors more.
So, if you’re interest is hiking solo and the benefits of doing such, keep reading this article.
Hiking Solo puts you in charge of the Adventure.
When you hike alone, you get to be in charge of the adventure you’re going on.
Hiking solo means you set the pace. You choose the trail. You stop when you want to stop. The adventure belongs to you, and you’re in control of the whole outing. If you were hiking with someone else, you’d have to please them, too. Hiking alone lets you decide on everything.
When I hike alone, I tend to hike a lot faster. I also tend to explore more uphill conditions. Hiking has become fitness-like for me. When I walk with others or guide hikes, I tend to slow down and let other people with me set the pace.
If you prefer to be in charge of your adventure, then hiking solo might be your calling.
Hiking Solo gives your peace.
Sometimes you need a day to listen to nature and no one else.
Hiking solo allows you to hike in peace. No is with you talking. That’s not to say a good company isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes it’s nice to have yourself to keep you company and enjoy nature’s sounds. There is nothing wrong with wanting some peace, either.
I like to go into the woods when it’s a bit windy. You can keep quiet and hear so much. The trees start moving and talking, the leaves drop, and the wind blows through the trees. The sounds are uplifting because they’re not of the ordinary you’re used to hearing all the time. It is good to break up that constant sound now and then.
If you’re looking for a hike that is more peaceful and quiet than most, you might consider hiking alone.
Hiking Solo allows you to Connect with Yourself.
Sometimes people mistreat themselves. Sometimes because of stress, anger, or self-disappointment.
Solo hiking is an excellent way to forgive yourself for your wrongdoing. Sometimes you need to connect with yourself again. Hiking is an activity that requires you to make sound decisions. Your decisions will impact your hiking adventure and your safety. If you make it off a hiking trail without any issues while hiking alone, you’ve done an excellent thing for yourself.
Sometimes we beat ourselves up for things. I do it all the time. If I don’t do well at work, I’ll be hard on myself about it. Then I take a hike, and afterward, I’m all better and loving myself again. Sometimes we need that to cope with our problems in life.
If you want to connect with yourself more and be a better friend to yourself, then hiking alone is your thing.
Hiking solo has plenty of benefits. The benefits above are just a few good ones to be named. I like hiking with others these days, but I have always enjoyed my previous solo hikes. Remember, when hiking alone, you need extra attention to your personal safety, and you should be fine.
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Thanks again for checking out another one of my articles and until next time, I’ll see you on the trail!

Shawn Gossman
Founder, Hiking with Shawn
Howdy folks! My name is Shawn Gossman and I founded Hiking with Shawn. I’m an avid hiker, cyclist and outdoorsman here in the Shawnee National Forest. I was born and raised in Southern Illinois and never want to leave. Click here to learn more about Shawn Gossman